November 18, 2024

4 Tips for Working with Sqlc in Go

This post shares 4 tips for effectively working with Sqlc in Go. It covers handling bulk updates with parameterized queries, using CASE and NULL for conditional filters, and organizing query types across packages to reduce type pollution. These strategies help maintain clean and scalable code when using Sqlc.

Key Takeaways

  • Bulk updates with safe, parameterized SQL queries to prevent injection.

  • Use nullable values and CASE statements for flexible conditional queries.

  • Leverage Sqlc macros for safe and maintainable SQL query generation.

What is sqlc?

If you’re unfamiliar with sqlc, it’s a command-line application that generates fully type-safe, idiomatic Go code from SQL. Here’s how it works, as explained on their website:

  1. You write SQL queries.
  2. You run sqlc to generate Go code that provides type-safe interfaces to those queries.
  3. You write application code that calls the methods sqlc generated.

If you haven’t explored sqlc before, I highly recommend checking it out, especially before diving into this blog post.

The Problem With Generated Queries

As awesome as sqlc is, I believe it falls short in a few areas:

  1. Limitations on conditional queries

    sqlc doesn’t support generating dynamic queries based on user inputs. This makes it challenging to create queries for endpoints that allow searching through a database with various filters, such as categories, tags, LIKE searches, etc. There’s no straightforward way to model this kind of flexibility.

  2. Limited bulk action support

    While sqlc supports some bulk actions, like multiple inserts, it lacks robust options for bulk updates with conditional logic. For example, if you need to reorder a set of elements, you have to update each one individually rather than as part of a single query.

  3. Generated code isn’t ideal

    Some of the generated code for interfaces and structs could be improved. This includes better support for creating transactions, managing configurations, and handling the setup of the database more seamlessly.

Luckily, we can mitigate most of these issues with a few small modifications!

1. Extended Generated Code with QueriesExt

When you generate your Go code from SQL using the default settings, you’ll end up with a struct and interface like this:

type DBTX interface {
	Exec(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
	Query(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (pgx.Rows, error)
	QueryRow(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) pgx.Row

func New(db DBTX) *Queries {
	return &Queries{db: db}

type Queries struct {
	db DBTX

func (q *Queries) WithTx(tx pgx.Tx) *Queries {
	return &Queries{
		db: tx,

Starting out, this setup is great. You have a basic interface that allows you to swap out a transaction and query type interchangeably. This makes composing and executing collections of queries straightforward.

However, a downside is that you need to manage both a Queries object and the underlying pgx connection instead of encapsulating that behavior within the Queries object. Fortunately, thanks to Go’s support for embedding structs, this is an easy problem to solve.

We’ll create a new type, QueriesExt, that embeds the Queries struct, adds functionality, wraps the pgxpool.Pool type, and provides methods for easily managing transactions.

When using, you’ll likely want to use a pgxpool.Pool instead of a pgx.Conn. The pgx.Conn type is not safe for concurrent use and shouldn’t be used across goroutines, such as in a web application.
// QueriesExt is an extension of the generated Queries struct which
// also depends directly on the internal sql connection and allows
// for easier transaction handling and some basic utility methods for working
// with the database.
type QueriesExt struct {
	conn *pgxpool.Pool

// Close closes the connection.
func (qe *QueriesExt) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
	return nil

// WithTx runs the given function in a transaction.
func (qe *QueriesExt) WithTx(ctx context.Context, fn func(*QueriesExt) error) error {
	tx, err := qe.conn.BeginTx(ctx, pgx.TxOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return err

	qext := &QueriesExt{qe.Queries.WithTx(tx), qe.conn}
	if err := fn(qext); err != nil {
		_ = tx.Rollback(ctx)
		return err

	return tx.Commit(ctx)

This example adds a convenient WithTx method that runs a function within a transaction. If the function returns an error, the transaction is rolled back automatically. This allows the caller to focus on their business logic while the setup and cleanup are handled in a central, reusable way.

Constructor for QueriesExt

Creating your own QueriesExt also allows you to write a constructor function to handle common database connection logic.

type Config struct {
    // ... postgres connection config

func NewExt( ctx context.Context, logger zerolog.Logger, config Config,) (*QueriesExt, error) {
	var conn *pgxpool.Pool
	var err error

	var (
		retries = 5
		wait    = 1

	for {
		conn, err = pgxpool.New(ctx, config.ConnStrPgx())
		if err == nil {
			err = conn.Ping(ctx)
			if err == nil {

		if retries == 0 {
			return nil, err

            Int("retries", retries).
            Msg("failed to ping database, retrying...")

		time.Sleep(time.Duration(wait) * time.Second)
		wait *= 2

	return &QueriesExt{
		Queries: New(conn),
		conn:    conn,
	}, nil

In this example, the NewExt function accepts a common configuration structure for PostgreSQL and handles the initial connection setup. It includes a retry mechanism to ensure that PostgreSQL is available, which is particularly useful in environments with multiple application entry points. This approach provides a standardized way to manage connections to the database.

2. How to do Bulk Updates

I’m going to talk specifically about bulk updates here because that’s what I’ve found I need to implement the most. In general, the principle remains the same: extract parts of your query where you need parameterization into a querybuilder package and use the builders to keep the majority of your SQL query readable.

Query Builder

package querybuilder

import (

type BulkUpdateTableParams struct {
	TableName    string   // TableName name of the created table
	TableColumns []string // TableColumns lists the columns of the created table

	// Values specifies the values that will be inserted into the table. When build is called these
	// are used to construct a table is parameterized queries to avoid any possibility of sql
	// injection.
	Values [][]any

	// Cast is an optional modifier that can be used to cast a input into a specific sql type.
	// if casts are provided the MUST be the same length as the Values table provided otherwise
	// Build() will fail.
	Casts []string

	// Params is the array used to put each paramater for the parameterized query.
	Params []any

// BulkUpdateTable generates a SQL query string and parameters for performing a bulk update in a
// database using a temporary table of values. This function provides SQL injection safety by
// constructing parameterized queries, allowing bulk data insertion while optionally casting columns.
// Example Table:
//	(VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4)) AS v("id", "new_order")
// Usage:
//	valuesTable, args, _ := querybuilder.BulkUpdateTable(...)
//	query := `
//			table_name
//		SET
//			"order" = v.new_order
//		FROM
//	   ` + valuesTable + `
//			...
//	`
func BulkUpdateTable(b BulkUpdateTableParams) (string, []any, error) {
	if b.TableName == "" || len(b.TableColumns) == 0 {
		return "", nil, errors.New("table name and columns must be set using As()")
	if len(b.Values) == 0 {
		return "", nil, errors.New("values must be provided using Values()")
	if len(b.Casts) > 0 && len(b.Casts) != len(b.Values[0]) {
		return "", nil, errors.New("number of casts must match number of columns in values")

	params := make([]any, 0, len(b.Values)*len(b.Values[0]))
	paramIndex := len(b.Params) + 1

	query := &strings.Builder{}
	query.WriteString("(VALUES ")

	for rowIdx, row := range b.Values {
		if rowIdx > 0 {
			query.WriteString(", ")

		for colIdx, val := range row {
			if colIdx > 0 {
				query.WriteString(", ")

			// Build the parameter placeholder manually, applying casting if needed
			query.WriteString("$" + strconv.Itoa(paramIndex))
			if len(b.Casts) > 0 {
				query.WriteString("::" + b.Casts[colIdx])
			params = append(params, val)


	// Add the table alias and column names
	query.WriteString(" AS ")
	for i, col := range b.TableColumns {

		if len(b.TableColumns) != i+1 {
			query.WriteString(", ")

	return query.String(), slices.Concat(b.Params, params), nil

This function generates a SQL query for performing bulk updates using a temporary table of values. It ensures SQL injection safety by constructing parameterized queries, allowing bulk data insertion while optionally casting columns.

Breakdown of the Function

  1. Validate Inputs

    Ensure that the struct has matching slice lengths and any required parameters are set.

  2. Pre-Allocation

    Pre-allocate the array of parameters for the query. The paramIndex accounts for predefined parameters in the array, ensuring consistent parameter indexing.

  3. Build the Query

    Use a string builder to construct the VALUES table with placeholders ($1, $2, etc.) for parameters. This approach avoids SQL injection and ensures performance.

At the end of this process, you get something like:

(VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4)) AS v("id", "new_order")

Example Usage in Recipinned

Here’s how this is applied in Recipinned to manage meal plan templates.

type MealplanTemplateEntriesBulkUpdateEntry struct {
	ID    uuid.UUID
	Order int16

type MealplanTemplateEntriesBulkUpdateParams struct {
	TemplateID uuid.UUID
	Entries    []MealplanTemplateEntriesBulkUpdateEntry

// MealplanTemplateEntriesBulkUpdate is a non-sqlc generated function that accepts paramemters
// to bulk update entry values based on their ID and TemplateID. This method currently only
// supports bulk update of the order field, but may support others in the future.
func (q Queries) MealplanTemplateEntriesBulkUpdate(ctx context.Context, arg MealplanTemplateEntriesBulkUpdateParams) error {
	args := []any{

	rows := make([][]any, len(arg.Entries))
	for i, nv := range arg.Entries {
		rows[i] = []any{nv.ID, nv.Order}

	valuesTable, args, err := querybuilder.BulkUpdateTable(querybuilder.BulkUpdateTableParams{
		TableName:    "v",
		TableColumns: []string{"id", "new_order"},
		Values:       rows,
		Casts:        []string{"uuid", "int2"},
		Params:       args,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	query := `
    "order" = v.new_order
	` + valuesTable + `
    mealplan_template_entries.mealplan_template_id = $1`

	_, err = q.db.Exec(ctx, query, args...)
	return err


  1. Define the Data Structure

    Create a struct for the entries being updated, specifying their IDs and new values.

  2. Prepare the Query

    Use the querybuilder.BulkUpdateTable function to generate the VALUES table dynamically.

  3. Execute the Query

    Combine the generated table with your main SQL update statement and execute it using your database driver.

This approach makes bulk updates efficient, safe, and maintainable, keeping your SQL queries both performant and readable.

3. Conditional Filter Queries

For conditional queries, you have two main options:

  1. Using a Query Builder.
  2. Using CASE and/or NULL values within SQL.

If you’re interested in query builders and the vast libraries that implement them, check out this collection:

For this post, I’ll focus on SQL-based solutions. Often, these are sufficient to solve your problem without introducing an additional library. Let’s explore two approaches.

Using Null Values

You can construct your WHERE clause with optional or NULL values by first checking if the value is NULL before applying your criteria. In Go, you’ll need to handle this properly by doing the following:

  1. Use a macro from SQLC, such as sqlc.narg, to generate nullable values.
  2. Cast the value to the appropriate type (e.g., ::TEXT) if necessary. Depending on the specifics of your query, SQLC may or may not infer the type automatically when using macros.
    sqlc.narg(domain)::TEXT = NULL OR domain = sqlc.narg(domain)::TEXT

Using Case Statments

You can also use a CASE statement for conditional filtering. While this method offers flexibility, the NULL-value approach is often simpler and more direct. Here’s an example for comparison:

FROM recipes
          WHEN sqlc.narg(domain)::TEXT IS NOT NULL THEN domain = sqlc.narg(domain)::TEXT
          ELSE 1 = 1

Although the CASE approach works, I haven’t found a compelling reason to use it over the simpler NULL-value solution. Still, it’s good to be aware of the option when you encounter edge cases or more complex conditions.

4. Managing Type Pollution in the Queries Package

A common challenge when working with database queries is managing type proliferation. This issue often arises from two sources:

  1. Storing all queries in a single package.
  2. SQLC not sharing models, especially with more complex queries and joins.

Addressing Query Organization

One approach to reduce clutter is splitting queries into domain-specific packages. For example:

  1. recipequeries
  2. userqueries
  3. adminqueries

This separation creates more manageable boundaries between domains. However, it can still result in duplicate types across packages.

Isolating Queries with a Store/Repository Layer

My preferred solution is to keep all queries in a single package but isolate their usage within a store or repository layer. This strategy confines the queries dependency and its types to a specific part of the application. For example:

  • Instead of calling queries.GetUserDetails directly in the API layer, call store.GetUserDetails.
  • The API layer works with a store.UserDetails type, not a queries.UserDetails.

This isolation provides several benefits:

  • Control over serialization: The returned objects can be structured to meet application needs rather than reflecting database schema directly.
  • Flexibility: As the application evolves, the representation of data in the database can diverge from its representation in the application.

Handling Type Mapping

One downside of this structure is the need to map queries.TypeA to store.TypeA. While this mapping can sometimes be 1-to-1, other times it requires adapting the data. To streamline this process, I use a pattern for writing generic mappers in Go, which simplifies converting models between layers. You can read more about this approach in my post: